Wheeler Design release week fun

Worthy of admiration

In Wheeler’s Design, Sabrina Wheeler starts her own mobile pottery studio, inspired by a high school art teacher who encouraged her to follow her dreams. So the question was asked, “Do I have a mentor that has inspired me?”
In all honesty, there isn’t just one person, but several who have impacted my life. Some I have met, others I have not. There is something I have learned from each of them that has changed my life or the way I look at things. 
I have always admired various women of the Bible – Deborah, Queen Esther, Ruth, Mary Magdalene, and the Woman at the Well just to name a few. Each of their stories touched my heart and revealed to me the heart of the Father and how he sees me. Their strength, their devotion to God, and their Fear of the Lord is encouraging and I learned a lot from their stories.
Then, there are the women in my life now. My mother and how she handles the trials in life. My spiritual mama and all she taught me to be a firm and upright woman of God while being unafraid to teach others the Word of God. My sisters in Christ with various struggles that they have overcome through the help of the Holy Spirit. In the world of writing, many constituents have guided me through the process and how to become a better writer while my own publisher took the extra time to help me get my life in order to accomplish my writing goals better. 
There have been only two men who have impacted my life that might fall in the “mentor” category – A former pastor, David Knox, and my dad. These two men encouraged me to seek God’s will in my life, look at life through the lens of scripture, and always be ready to act when the Holy Spirit says to move. 
Let me encourage you to think about the impact others have had on your life, and if they are still alive – thank them. If they have passed – thank God for placing them in your life. 

Wheeler’s Designs:Year One (Suamalie Islands Book 2)

Get a copy here on Amazon

Clay is messy and so is Sabrina’s life sometimes, but will God mold it into a work of art?

Sabrina Wheeler, single mom and business owner, won a scholarship to expand her pottery studio on Luamua Island. Now, she can finally have the career and life she’s been praying for. The scholarship includes a mentor, and Sabrina is anxious to make a good impression.

For Chad Berkley, an impromptu business trip to the Suamalie Islands couldn’t have happened at a worse time. Aside from it triggering his OCD personality, he also has important obligations in Yorkshire, and being absent for a month was not in his plans. The new assignment is an honor, however, and a huge step up in his career. He can’t risk disappointing his boss now.

But then he sees Sabrina. After their brief meeting at the business conference, he hasn’t stopped thinking of her. How had he missed that she is the business owner he’s been sent to mentor? Talk about distractions on his first big assignment. Will he be able to push his personal feelings aside and keep his focus on business?

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.



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