Coffee with Sarah Hanks

This morning, I have a new author to The Back Porch. Please help me welcome Sarah Hanks, the author of New Creations.
Sarah is a multi-genre author who is sure to have something for almost everyone. Have a look at her Amazon Author Page.

Sarah, thank you for joining us this morning.

What inspired you to start writing?

I started writing as a young boy in middle school. I took a creative writing class and learned I love telling story. As a young man I continued writing poems and prayers. I tucked that hobby away when I finished college and concentrated on my career.

Then, when I became a manager for a group of journalists, they began to teach me how effective good writing could be in informing, envisioning, and entertaining. But when you ask what inspired me, I have to say the question should be “who” inspired me—it was God! Once I realized this, I honed my craft, and before long, I was writing my first book, a survival guide for divorced dads.

He is the main inspiration for all things, isn’t He? God’s creativity is unparalleled. I have several aspiring writers that follow me, what advice would you give a new writer or someone just starting out?

Try to attend a writer’s conference. It’s a worthy investment, and you get to rub shoulders with best-selling authors, agents, and publishers. Conferences shorten your learning curve and propels your writing dramatically. I’d also suggest you join a critique group like Word Weavers Intl.

Great advice and I would have to agree. What is the most difficult part about writing for you?

The marketing part. I hate marketing and yet it’s all up to me these days. Even traditional publishing expects authors to take the wheel for this. It would be nice to just finish a book and then relax. But nope! That’s when the heavy work start up. I usually hire a publicist to do the marketing for me. Even then, I’m required to work with them to ensure a successful advertising plan. There’s no escaping that.

Marketing is so difficult, especially since everything keeps changing. Just as soon as you figure out something that works, the algorithms change.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?

I have written six books alone and co-authored another eight. My favorite is this recent one “Adult-o-Nomics” because it was fun researching and reshaping advice for today’s young adults. It’s a little funny and yet still covers some very serious advice. And I love the cover design…its fun.

I recently interviewed the author of “Adult-o-Nomics”. What a small world.
Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share? 

I’m currently working on a book for engaged couples. It’s 100 questions to ask your fiancé before you say “I Do.” It comes from my experience doing pre-marital counseling for couples as they prepare for marriage. So many topics are never discussed or discovered until after the wedding and I’m hoping this workbook will help the bride and groom to be.

Thank you so much, Sarah, for being here on the Back Porch. I wish you all the success on New Creations.

Readers, thank you for joining us this morning. Please take the time to keep reading and comment at the end of the blog piece. And most importantly, thank you for joining us. 

About the Book

Book: New Creations

Author: Sarah Hanks

Genre: Contemporary Christian Fiction

Release date: August 16, 2024

Floyd Douglas is a blundering barber who faces retirement wondering if the past sixty years of his life have been a waste. When he’s presented with the opportunity to go on a mission trip, it seems like the answer to his prayers and a way to finally make his life count for something. Now with a series of obstacles standing in the way of his newfound dream, he must decide whether to push through or find contentment in being the faithful family man he’s always been.

Emira has always looked up to her grandpa, especially since her parents’ marriage fractured and left her foundations shaken. Now, she scrambles to assure the man who taught her how to love what a deeply meaningful life he’s lived.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Sarah Hanks is an award-winning author of Christian fiction in both the contemporary and historical genres. After spending over a decade mostly writing and teaching Sunday school curricula for churches in her community, she jumped into writing fiction full-time with her split-time novel Mercy Will Follow Me. She and her husband have nine children, a couple of whom seem to have inherited their mother’s love for playing with words and crafting stories. Though Sarah dreams of a cabin by the beach, the family lives jammed together in beautiful chaos near St. Louis, Missouri. She buys earplugs in bulk.

You can follow her on Facebook or Instagram @authorsarahhanks.




1 Comment

  1. bn100

    nice interview