Coffee with Susan K. Beatty

Happy 4th of July to all who live in the United States! 

Good Morning to the rest of the world. It’s supposed to be pretty toasty here in mid-Michigan today, and I am ready for it. However, this means this morning’s coffee is on ice. 

With us today is Susan K. Beatty, author of Bold of Heart, the next book featured in the Suamalie Islands series. Bold of Heart is sure to take the reader on a romantic mystery ride to appease the need for a beach read. 

Good morning, Susan, and welcome to The Back Porch. You might be a new author to many of my readers, so share with us a bit about your writing journey.

What is the most difficult part about writing for you?

Beginning a novel is the hardest part for me. I’m usually excited about a vague idea of the plot, theme, and characters, but getting the details can be elusive. I’m a pantser (rather than a plotter), so I don’t/can’t sit down and develop an outline. (When I try, I die of tedium.) I wish I could outline first because I feel then it would be so much easier to follow the plan and just write. But it seems I have been designed to plot and create as I write, often letting my characters take me in new directions. The first quarter of the book takes as long to write as the last three-quarters.

That is relatable for sure. It’s a pleasure to meet a fellow Panster (though I have transitioned to a plotster – a panster that plots some parts of the book before writing).

What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?

My main writing quirk is to have two computers (laptops with external keyboards) set up at different desks. One, I set aside my Mac for creative fiction writing only. My PC is for everything else. Switching computers and desks is training my mind to light a creative fire when I’m sitting at my Mac.

That’s interesting. Kind of like some taking their laptops to do creative things to a coffee shop.

What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?

I’ve been an avid reader and writer all my life. I studied journalism in high school and college in order to write and receive a regular paycheck. When I finally turned to fiction writing, I was amazed, despite my previous experience, at how hard it was to write a novel. It was shocking to discover that reading all those novels didn’t immediately make me an expert at writing them. Don’t get me wrong. It’s important for writers to read, but you need to read with intentionality, plus study the craft from skilled teachers of writing. Then practice, practice, practice.

Let’s talk about Bold of Heart. What is this story about?

Wentworth “Sully” Sullivan, a secondary character in my Suamalie Islands book one, A Heart for News, is a millionaire with a heart to share his wealth to do good. But how hard is it for the wealthy to share their heart with someone and be sure it isn’t the wealth they’re after? In book two, Bold of Heart, we see Sully struggling with this. And what if his love interest is torn between him and a relatively poor man?

I love it when secondary characters get their own story told. What is the key theme and/or message in the book?

God doesn’t tell us to follow our hearts. Instead, our hearts become bold when we follow wherever He leads us. For Tamzin, she must choose to trust the Lord to curb her no-filter mouth and be bold enough to follow His leading in her choice of a love interest. For Sully, his millions have made him shy of women who just want his money, and still be bold of heart to follow God to the right woman. Then there is our other hero. Émile’s a shy chaplain, who, for all his spiritual strengths, needs to be courageous enough to follow His plan for his life. To have courage at the intersection of faith and grit, we must be bold of heart to follow Jesus.

Wow! Susan, you just gave us a nice little sermon there. Our hearts can be fickle if they are not fixed on the right person, God!

Thank you, Susan, for being here today and sharing Bold of Heart with us. I pray this tour blesses you and more discover your talent. 

Readers, be sure to continue reading more about Bold of Heart and Susan’s other thoughts about the story. Also, please leave an encouraging comment or even how your relationship with Christ led you to do the right things. Also, don’t forget the giveaway. 

About the Book

Book: Bold of Heart


Author: Susan K. Beatty

Genre: Romantic Suspense

Release date: May 28, 2024

A reporter, a rich man, and a chaplain walk into a mystery…

Tamzin Murray has three goals: Follow Jesus. Control her no-filter mouth. And no romance. When her friend offers her a job as a reporter on the South Pacific Suamalie Islands, she jumps at the chance for a fresh start. But when she’s forced to meet the handsome, wealthy investor, she not only finds herself involved in a love triangle, but also a dangerous mystery.

When Wentworth “Sully” Sullivan’s yacht is sabotaged, he did not expect to fall for the reporter covering his story. Especially since his experience with women has mostly been with gold-diggers.

Émile Durand is too shy to date, but when he meets his sister’s new coworker, he can’t help his attraction to her. And the more he helps her out of scrapes, the further he falls in love with her.

As the mystery becomes more dangerous, and the more their hearts get entangled, how will Tamzin, Sully, and Émile get out of the messes they’ve put themselves into?

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Susan K. Beatty is in her third career—from journalist to homeschool tech writer to her life-long dream of becoming a novelist. She is proof you can start a new writing career late in life. Susan released her first published fiction in September 2019, and now an awarding winner author, this is her third novel, with several novelettes and short stories to her credit. She is passionate about finding courage through faith and grit. Susan lives with her husband of forty-nine years in Southern California. Add children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to the mix and she has little time for her favorite hobbies of reading, watching classic movies, British crime dramas, and traveling.


More from Susan

I love to follow my characters from struggling with a character flaw (or two or three) to victory, even if it isn’t complete. Yet. It blesses me when I see the characters becoming bold and courageous through following Christ and with the support of those around them.

Yes, I know I’m talking as if they do this without my help as the author. And, in some respects, that would almost be true. I may have an idea what the character is going to say or do next, but often what appears on my computer monitor is not what I expected. Yes, as if they had a mind of their own.

Such is the case with my three main characters in Bold of Heart. I had planned that Tamzin would fall for one character, only to have her go for the other one. Then there was of who was Sully’s bad guy. Again, I thought was going to be one character until another character shot to the forefront. And Émile? I didn’t expect him to be so bold. It would be a spoiler if I gave more detail here. (Do you hear Simon Legree-like laughing here?)

I’ve known a couple people who just have no filter on their mouths, but still good-hearted, well-meaning folks. Thus, Tamzin’s major character flaw. Getting her to the Suamalie Islands, and away from her prime example, her mother, for a fresh start, gives Tamzin a chance to work on softening her remarks.

How can a hospital chaplain be shy? Well, that is Émile’s issue. Actually, he’s only shy outside of the hospital room. Near women.

I’ve never been wealthy, and don’t expect to be, so I had to imagine how our millionaire Sully could be wary of dating. It didn’t help he’d already been through an unpleasant experience after his wife passed away.

Love triangles are a familiar Christian romance trope, but to keep it from getting sticky, I threw in some mystery and suspense. It was a bonus that the experiences helped the characters develop their bold hearts.

Blog Stops

Texas Book-aholic, June 28

Stories By Gina, June 29 (Author Interview)

Karen Baney Reviews, June 29

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, June 30

Artistic Nobody, July 1 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 1

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, July 2

She Lives to Read, July 3

Back Porch Reads, July 4 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, July 5

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 6

Holly’s Book Corner, July 7

An Author’s Take, July 8

Sylvan Reads, July 9

Blossoms and Blessings, July 10 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 11


To celebrate her tour, Susan is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. bn100

    nice cover

  2. debbiejpruss

    Thank you so much for sharing. God bless you.

  3. Roxanne C.

    Thank you for the wonderful conversation about Susan’s writing and her new book. It sounds like a wonderful Christian romance.

  4. Roxanne C.

    I enjoyed the interview and learning more about Susan’s writing and her book which sounds like a wonderful Christian romance.

    • Roxanne C.

      MY APOLOGIES—My original post did not show up, so I tried two more times… and they all posted later at the same time. 😳

  5. Roxanne C.

    Thank you for the informative interview.

  6. sidlaw0425

    Great interview. This looks outstanding.