When history knocks on their door…

What would you do if outside your front door, history is playing out but inside your home, it is life as usual? That is what Draw Me To Your Side explores through the eyes of the Lastarjette family as the fight for freedom comes knocking.

I have enjoyed this series from the start. It is full of history and intrigue as we are placed in the middle of colonial South Carolina. I was moved by the desire of Louis and Elizabeth to keep things as normal as possible inside their home as their family grew. The tender moments that Ms. Gray describes balances out the moments of uncertainty this family goes through.

I think one of my favorite scenes is a moment that every family that has children has gone through. First steps and first words from the first born. Ms. Gray placed me right in the middle of this tender moment and brought to mind my own experience in this milestone.

If you are curious about daily life durning this time in history, this story, this series, will place you right in the middle of it all. It’s as if the one telling the story had jumped in a time machine and experienced it all for herself. You can tell Ms. Gray put a lot of time and research into this story and placed it onto the pages in a beautiful way.

* I received a copy of this story from the publisher through CelebrateLit Publicity. These views are my own and a favorable review was not required.

About the Book

Book:  Draw Me To Your Side

Author: Marguerite Martin Gray

Genre:  Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: February 25, 2020

Draw Me to Your Side front

Warships in the harbor explode with battle cries for freedom in the hearts of Charles Town’s Patriots.

 Charles Town, South Carolina, 1776—With the British war ships threatening his family and livelihood, Louis Lestarjette commits to aid Francis Marion, Christopher Gadsden, Silas Deane and other fiery Patriots with secret correspondences in code and in French. Although not convinced that the colonies can succeed in separation from Britain, he abides by his word—available with funds, his time, and if necessary, even his life.

 Louis’ potential volatile role leaves Elizabeth Lestarjette uncertain of the future. Add to that her impending confinement, the secret missions her friends embark on, and the ever-encroaching danger into her domestic world, and the cost of independence grows steeper with each passing day. How will her family survive the coming turbulence?  How will she survive not being an active part of it?  One thing is certain, she must draw to God’s side or lose heart altogether.

 Draw Me to Your Side… a prayer whispered against the coming destruction.

About the Author

Marguerite Gray

Marguerite Martin Gray enjoys history especially when combined with fiction. An avid traveler and reader, she teaches Spanish and French and has degrees in Spanish, French, and Journalism from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. She received her MA in English from Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, Texas. Presently, she lives in north Louisiana with her husband and rescue cats.

More from Marguerite

I have always loved history, probably because my father took me to every historical site he could find on our travels. As I listened to him tell the story of our ancestors to a group of tourists at our Antebellum home, I suddenly realized that he was weaving tales about my own blood line. Very soon after that I flew to Charleston, South Carolina and began my research. From that first of many trips, my Revolutionary Faith Series arrived.

Draw Me to Your Side is Book Four of the series. The titles play a very significant role in the series, each having a dual meaning. The human element is obvious. Although the series is more historical than romance, the titles offer a glimpse into a potential romance. The other element is spiritual. God is the one who weaves his love and hope into their lives.

If you love book titles as I do, as you read this series, see if you can determine the dual meanings of Hold Me Close, Surround Me, Bring Me Near, and now Draw Me to Your Side.

Happy Reading!


  1. Rita Wray

    Sounds like a great book. I love the cover.

  2. margueriteg2016

    Thank you for the awesome review!

  3. Nancy Payette

    Lovely cover

  4. Emma

    I would love the parts about the baby, too!

  5. carylkane

    Wonderful review, Melissa! I’m looking forward to reading this series.