My funniest pet

I have had a good amount of pets in my life. Dogs, cats, hampsters, fish, and Guinea pigs. All have held special places in my heart. All left their mark when they crossed the “Rainbow bridge”. 

I have been trying to decide which of the pets are, or have been, the funniest and I feel stumped. Each pet brought joy and laughter, comfort and plenty of snuggles. I will say, the funniest to watch are the dogs. They act goofy and crazy when they get their zoomies and run through the house. They bring a smile to your face, and make you worry something will break—size of the dogs depending on the level of the worry. 

The Chihuahua brothers we once owned where the funniest to watch when they had the zoomies. For two little guys, they sure did sound like they were big beastly dogs. The pit bulls I currently own are still funny, and they add their own extra sense of goon with their goofy behavior, but they definitely heightened the worry that something will break.

My pit bulls are definitely the funniest though. One our boys, Harley, is 8 years old and follows my husband around when ever he is home. I thought he would be a great help for my husband but now I wonder if my husband is the emotional support pet for the dog. It’s pathetic and funny.

Bear, our other pitbull, is all sorts of needy but he is sweet and a puppy at all times. He has connected to my oldest so much so that we are not sure what will happen when he moves out. 

Owning pitbulls, no, carrying for them, have been so educational and eye opening. They are brutish at times, and yes, we have to keep them separated. (Never own two male pitbulls. I didn’t know that one.) They are, however, the sweetest dogs and will do what ever they can to make their people happy. They feel when we are sad and want to calm us. They can “sense danger” a house away and will rip through the fence to save you, hehe, or at least try. They are sweeties and long for love. It’s just sad that they have to be the tools of wicked people who train them to do vicious things. Adopting pitbulls has been a gift I would consider for all potential family pets in the future.

About the book

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He’s saving the world, one animal at a time.

Trent Raines’ opinion, happily ever after has four paws and doggy breath. He spends his days isolated at the shelter, taking care of animals. Especially now that romance seems to be spreading across the islands faster than fleas in summer.

She lives a safe life behind the camera lens.

Kara Parker’s job at the animal shelter keeps her too busy to worry about romance. Sure, the boss is cute and all, but her introverted nature is perfectly happy as a photographer and website designer, thank you very much.

Even a quick trip to the mainland to retrieve a truckful of animals won’t change their minds.

Or so they think.

As Trent comes to understand Kara, he discovers there’s more than meets the eye in his quiet employee. Together, they plan a Christmas adoption festival that’s certain to empty the animal shelter in record time. Until a blast from Trent’s past puts all the animals in danger.

Sure, Trent and Kara are fine on their own, but they’re even better together.

What will it take for these soulmates conquer their fears and rescue the animals before it’s too late?

Footprints on Her Heart continues the Hooper Island stories of the Independence Islands Series featuring five islands, six authors, and a boatload of happily-ever-afters.

The Independence Islands Series: beach reads aren’t just for summer anymore.

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Sandra Barela: Nov. 29