Here we are, month four and book four of the Independence Islands book 1 collection. Can you believe it has been four months? Are you enjoying the books? I know I am.

“Her Merriweather Hero” is written by the fantastic Rachel Skatvold

She only needed a repairman to help fix up her beach house.
For marine sergeant, Tyler Banner, nothing could be further from the memories of his time in Iraq than the slow, easy pace on Merriweather Island. Taking up a job as a physical trainer serves to keep him in shape while he enjoys a little downtime. Making friends with the local vet—veterinarian, that is—on his morning jog is just a bonus.
When Kendall’s sister tricked her into recruiting Tyler’s help one day, she didn’t fortify herself against a breach to her heart. Making friends with the marine was easy, but helping him overcome the PTSD that holds him captive isn’t. As she picks her way across a minefield of memories and horrors Tyler endured, Kendall begins to hope he could be the man she’s prayed for.
Falling in love wasn’t in Tyler’s orders, but a new deployment to Iraq is. How can he convince Kendall not to go AWOL when she hears? What can he do to convince her that they’ll make it… together?

To celebrate “Her Merriweather Hero” We are going to have a little fun. Everyone is participating, like with the other releases, so be sure to go to each page and enter to win their prize. You don’t want to miss these.

Rachel Skatvold – Oct 27

Tabitha Bouldin – Oct 28

Carolyn Miller – Oct 29

Chautona Havig – Oct 30

Melissa Wardwell – Oct 31

Kari Trumbo – Nov 1

Sandy Barela (CL Pub site) – Nov 2

All giveaways will end on Nov 5 so you have some time to stop and visit each site.