Love Like No Other release week fun

“Are you sure, Lord?”

In Love Like No Other, Colin is struggling to accept that the goals he had for his life are no longer possible. He needs to find a new direction.

I’ve shared this before, but God pointing me in a different direction is what brought writing into my life. 

In 2014, I had just gotten into a comfortable routine in our homeschool journey while parenting on my own half the time because of my husband’s job. We’d also finally gotten settled into our new place and were enjoying living close to the park, a quiet downtown community, and a yard large enough for our growing kids to run and play. 

Then, one day while taking my daughter to dance class, I saw an old barn where the roof had caved in and many of the panels had come off. My mind began to wander as my daughter and her friend giggled in the back seat. 

“I wonder what it looks like in there.” “Oh, the treasures that could be found in the dirt that had been forgotten.” 

Then it shifted to visualizing a woman walking through the woods and coming across an old, dilapidated barn with a tree growing up in the middle of the caved-in roof. From there, a story began to develop. 

Week after week, the story grew and even crept its way into my dreams. When I told a friend about it, she pressed me to start writing it down and see what pours out. I sat down at my kitchen table with my laptop and went to work. That story later became What God Brings Together.

Writing all the stories my imagination comes up with was NEVER on my list of  “dream jobs” as a kid or as an adult. God clearly had other plans and that included producing stories to encourage, uplift, and maybe even teach readers something new. I love to write and share lessons I’ve learned about life and faith through fiction because it doesn’t feel as intimidating. One of my favorite comments on my books is one that mentions “I’d never thought of it that way.” That tells me that I heard right and that the lesson wasn’t just for me. 

Trusting God’s plan for my life is never an issue, though I have moments of “Are you sure, Lord?” but I know He has me in His hands and I need to trust that.

Love Like No Other (Suamalie Islands Book 5)

Get a copy here on Amazon

Trying to overcome a past like hers might just help him overcome his.

Alicia Gray wants one thing: to prove her capabilities as a doctor. Maybe then she can escape the feeling that her mother’s abandonment was deserved. She’s never felt worthy and grew up in foster home after foster home, always being told that if she did better, if she was more amenable, she’d find her place. When she came to Suamalie, the last thing she expected to find was a man whose grumpy personality conflicted so piercingly with her sunshine demeanor. 

Colin Tremblay was dishonorably discharged from his army medic position and sent home in disgrace after his twin brother stole from his clinic. Back on the islands, he’s bounced from job to job, never finding anything that satisfies him. To make matters worse, his twin niece and nephew convince him to spend his summer overseeing their camp activities while working alongside Little Miss Sunshine herself. 

This grumpy versus sunshine romance is sure to send them both scrambling when Colin confronts Alicia’s need to please while she reminds Colin that not every bad day is a reason to run for the hills.

Take a trip to the Suamalie Islands where palm trees sway, the sand and sea pulse with life, and the people will steal your heart.


Giveaway Stops

Don’t forget to stop by the other authors’ websites to read their stories and enter the giveaways.



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