Get ready to embark on a high sea adventure that covers three continents and several ship ports in Marisol: Spanish Rose.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I began this journey with Marisol as I’ve never read anything by Elva Cobb Martin. Wow, was I surprised by what I found within these pages. Harrowing rescues, broken hearts, adventurous sea travel, a young woman trapped in several life threatening situations, and a pastor turned privateer with a heart of gold.

When the story begins, you find Marisol disheveled and broken, and running for her life to the New World. She leaves her life of luxury in Spain, praying the Inquisition does not find her. Instead of a safe trip, she and her companion find themselves in the bottom of a slave ship. It isn’t until a handsome privateer has pity, and a little twitter in his heart, for the Spanish heiress that she sees a glimmer of hope for her future. And so the rest of her story goes. Moments of hope that is bookended with adventure and heartbreak.

I couldn’t say enough to boast of this story’s beauty without giving to much away, so I will leave you with this – Get a copy. It is only $0.99 on Kindle right now. You can’t go wrong, especially if you love a little swashbuckling adventure incased in a story of devotion and love.

**I was given a copy of this book from the publisher through CelebrateLit. These options are clearly my own.

About the Book

Book: Marisol Spanish Rose

Author: Elva Cobb Martin

Genre:  Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: November 8, 2019


Escaping to the New World is her only option…Rescuing her will wrap the chains of the Inquisition around his neck.

Marisol Valentin flees Spain after murdering the nobleman who molested her. She ends up for sale on the indentured servants’ block at Charles Town harbor—dirty, angry, and with child. Her hopes are shattered, but she must find a refuge for herself and the child she carries. Can this new land offer her the grace, love, and security she craves? Or must she escape again to her only living relative in Cartagena?

Captain Ethan Becket, once a Charles Town minister, now sails the seas as a privateer, grieving his deceased wife. But when he takes captive a ship full of indentured servants, he’s intrigued by the woman whose manners seem much more refined than the average Spanish serving girl. Perfect to become governess for his young son. But when he sets out on a quest to find his captured sister, said to be in Cartagena, little does he expect his new Spanish governess to stow away on his ship with her six-month-old son. Yet her offer of help to free his sister is too tempting to pass up. And her beauty, both inside and out, is too attractive for his heart to protect itself against—until he learns she is a wanted murderess.

As their paths intertwine on a journey filled with danger, intrigue, and romance, only love and the grace of God can overcome the past and ignite a new beginning for Marisol and Ethan.

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Elva Cobb Martin

Elva Cobb Martin is a wife, mother, and grandmother who lives in South Carolina with her husband and a mini-dachshund. A life-long student of history, her favorite city, Charleston, inspires her stories of romance and adventure. Her love of writing grew out of a desire to share exciting stories of courageous characters and communicate truths of the Christian faith to bring hope and encouragement. Connect with her on her web site at

More from Elva

A couple of things inspired me to write Marisol ~ Spanish Rose, in addition to my love of historical romance fiction set in the colonial/pirate era of Charles Town and the Spanish Main.

I ran across a teaching of how people often let the one terrible moment of their lives define them and their future. Know anyone like this?

I envisioned a heroine in the 1700’s who let her “terrible moment”—being molested and accidentally killing the Spanish nobleman who attacks her—define her and her future destiny.

My premise for this idea and novel is: Love, forgiveness, and determination can overcome the most horrifying experiences and poor choices when we invite God into the equation.

Loving horses, particularly the white Lipizzaners, I named my heroine Marisol and set the attack on her father’s Andalusian Stud Farm in Cadiz, Spain in 1740. Andalusians are the Spanish horses in the ancestry of the Lipizzaners. And they can be trained to do dancing steps with a dancing maiden called the Flamenco, which my heroine can do well. Click here for a video of a flamenco dancer.

Marisol’s exciting Flamenco plays a pivotal part in the novel.

All this story idea needed now was an exciting, handsome Charles Town privateer—sometimes pirate—who will cross paths with my heroine when she flees Spain after killing the Spanish nobleman who molested her.

Captain Ethan Becket, backslidden former Charles Town minister, has returned to the sea, grieving the loss of his wife and child.

By the time these two get together at the indentured block in Charles Town, Marisol has discovered she is with child.

Thanks for stopping by! May you have an exciting, romantic adventure on the high seas with Captain Ethan and Marisol.


To celebrate her tour, Elva is giving away a vintage nautical writing journal and a $20 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the Image above to enter.

Blog Stops

Bigreadersite , November 15

Emily Yager, November 15

Connect in Fiction, November 16

Rebecca Tews , November 16

Moments, November 17

For Him and My Family, November 17

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, November 18

Genesis 5020, November 18

For the Love of Literature, November 19

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, November 19

Betti Mace, November 20

mpbooks, November 20

Back Porch Reads, November 21

Maureen’s Musings, November 21

Locks, Hooks and Books, November 22

Pause for Tales , November 23

Batya’s Bits, November 23

Reflections From My Bookshelves, November 24

Adventures of a Travelers Wife, November 24

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, November 25

Godly Book Reviews, November 25

Inklings and notions , November 26

janicesbookreviews, November 26

Texas Book-aholic, November 27

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 27

A Reader’s Brain, November 28


  1. Elva Cobb Martin

    Melissa, thank you so much for your kind review of Marisol. Stay tuned for Book 2, Georgia Ann, coming soon. Grown up Captain Samuel Vargas will need to rescue her from the Barbary Pirates!
    Have a blessed thanksgiving,
    Elva Cobb Martin

  2. Beatrice LaRocca

    The book cover is lovely and the synopsis intriguing. This sounds like an exciting read. Thank you for sharing your book and author details and congratulations on this wonderful review.

  3. Elva Cobb Martin

    Beatrice, thank you so much for commenting. Hope you get to read Marisol and the next books coming in this historical romance Charleston Brides series.
    Elva Cobb Martin

  4. Debbie P

    This sounds like a really good read. Beautiful cover!

  5. Elva Cobb Martin

    Debbie, I am so glad you like Marisol’s cover and I hope you get to enjoy reading the romantic adventure of Marisol and Captain Ethan Becket. Book 2, Georgia Ann, will feature Marisol’s grown up son Captain Samuel Vargas and his desperate need to rescue his love, Georgia, from the Barbary pirates!
    Have a Blessed Thanksgiving,
    Elva Cobb Martin

  6. Emma

    This sounds like a fun story!

    • Elva Cobb Martin

      It is a fun story, Emma, and full of adventure and romance. Hope you get to read it.
      Elva Cobb Martin

  7. James Robert

    Thank you for sharing your book with us and for the giveaway as well. I appreciate them both.

    • Elva Cobb Martin

      James, I am so glad to see you again commenting on this tour for Marisol. God bless you!
      Elva Cobb Martin

  8. Melissa W

    Sounds like a good one!

  9. Elva Cobb Martin

    Melissa, thanks for commenting! I hope you win a copy.
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving,
    Elva Cobb Martin

  10. carylkane

    Sounds fascinating!

  11. Elva Cobb Martin

    Thank you so much for commenting. Hope you get to read Marisol and the coming Book 2 in our Charleston Brides Series.
    Elva Cobb Martin