Coffee with Sunshine Rodgers

It’s that time of day when we take a little break, sit down with the authors we love, and get to know them better.

Today, I chatted with Sunshine about her new book, Once Upon a Time…In a Dental Office, what inspired the story as well as any advice she might have for aspiring writers.

 So grab a cup of your favorite drink and maybe a little snack and enjoy the conversation.

Thank you for joining me, Sunshine. It is so lovely to chat with you.

So, how long have you been writing?

I have been writing for more than 8 years.

My first book God the Father, Jesus the Big Brother, Holy Spirit the Best Friend was released in February of 2015.

In your eight years, I am sure you have discovered some things about the writing field. What advice would you give a new writer or someone just starting out?

First, I would say…know your audience. I write in the Christian genre because I read in the Christian genre. I know what the audience in that genre expects. And I write with my audience in mind.     

If you are just starting out in the writing process, I would say to storyline your book, write down your thoughts, outline each chapter. That might help give you some direction on where the story is going versus trying to go at it free-hand. And keep realistic expectations.

 Turn off your inner critic. Don’t let the process scare you. Take it one page at a time. Write what you are passionate about. And stay calm.

My first book took four years before it became an International Bestseller. Being a successful author will take time, but the journey is worth it. Be your own cheerleader. Celebrate the milestones in your author career. And learn to love what you do; the passion will fly off the pages! And whatever you do…KEEP WRITING!!

If you are a real writer, you will write. You will write every day. You may be like me and have a “breakout book.” Or you may have to wait a decade before you start seeing regular sales and consistent money coming in. Just be patient with the process. And write because you love it, not for any other reason.

That is some excellent advice, and as a fellow writer, I agree wholeheartedly.

What would you say is the most difficult part about writing for you?

Writing the first draft is always the hardest! I have to make this draft as easy for myself as possible. I will break up my thoughts into sections and have a loose idea on how to progress the story.

My first draft always looks terrible with characters that I delete later and scenes that don’t make it into the final draft. But the point of the first draft is to get the story down on paper. It can always be edited later!

I give myself plenty of patience and grace as I am writing that first draft!

Yes! Patience and lots of grace. It’s interesting how we will give those to others, but struggle to give them to ourselves.

How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?

I have written 13 books, and I love them all!!

Christian Nonfiction

  • God the Father, Jesus the Big Brother, Holy Spirit the Best Friend
  • Be The Sunshine


Inspirational Fiction

  • The Characters Within
  • Andrew’s First Act
  • Once Upon a Time… In a Dental Office
  • Just Brooke


Christian Fiction

  • This is My Heaven
  • The Creation Project
  • The Ring Does Not Fit


Dark Christian Fiction

  • After You: A Demon is Always Lurking Nearby
  • The Roland Sisters and The Spirit Program

Children’s Books

  • Last Night, When I Prayed
  • Helpers: A Rescue Mission


 Before we go, are you working on anything at the present you would like to share?

I am currently writing my Book #14,  a Christian Fiction novel set to be released early 2024.

Tentatively called, My Spiritual Mom, the main character Cami connects with a fellowship at her church and grows closer to the Lord… which is quite a different atmosphere from her family who worships the god of money, status and fame.

That sounds interesting and congratulations on your continued creative ventures. I pray God continues to bless you as you carry on the mission he has placed on your heart. 

Thank you again, Sunshine, for joining me today. I hope this tour blesses you, and I look forward to seeing more from you. 


      Readers, please be sure to keep reading and enter the giveaway. 

      About the Book

      Book: Once Upon a Time… In a Dental Office

      Author: Sunshine Rodgers

      Genre: Fiction, Inspirational, Romance

      Release Date: June 6, 2022

      My life is nothing like a fairy tale!

      I work as a Receptionist at Hour Glass Dental and trust me, it’s just as chaotic as it sounds. Between dealing with angry patients and insurance plans, phone calls and emails, I dread my ten-hour workday as I clock in at the busiest office in Brittleton, Tennessee.

      Doctor Chase Hatchett suggests that I transfer to a bigger city and climb up the corporate ladder, even implying that he may move with me. Maybe I can start a new chapter with the most eligible bachelor in the office!

      But my friends Rafa, Brian and his sister help me to look at life a bit differently. My happiness may not be about chasing the promotion as much as it is about following my heart.

      Whatever I decide, even in the midst of all this confusion, I hope I can find my Happily Ever After!


      Click here to get your copy!


      About the Author

      Sunshine Rodgers has written 13 books which have landed on Amazon’s International Best Seller lists in 26 different categories, including #1 in the United Kingdom, #2 in the United States and #25 in Canada. Her books have been translated in several languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese). She has participated in 6 book tours and dozens of book signings. She has a team of 33 people including Artists, Narrators and Photographers. When she is not writing, Sunshine is a guest and featured author on a total of 53 Media Interviews on radio, podcasts and online magazines. Sunshine is a Brand Ambassador to 23 Fashion, Food, Beauty and Skincare Companies. She is a Blogger and an Entrepreneur to her 50,000 social media followers. Sunshine is married to the love of her life, Travis, and they reside in sunny Florida.


      More from Sunshine

      I remember when I was writing the pages for Once Upon a Time… In a Dental Office. I was a receptionist at a prestigious Dentistry. I worked with these two very handsome – very charming – Dentists. And the truth is, I’d be FLOSSED without them!

      And I put the pen to paper about all my personal experiences in my book. “Walking down the hallway, I hear the whizzing and churning of dental equipment as I observe room after room of patients getting their teeth cleaned from plaque buildup, or teeth getting surgically extracted or my least favorite, hearing the groans from patients receiving a root canal.” (pg. 39)

      And I created a world inspired by those two Dentists. Receptionist Kay Vity is sought after by Dr. Chase Hatchett and Doctor Brian Alchan at Hour Glass Dental. And TOOTH be told, it’s a Love Story that is sure to make you “SAY AAH!”

      Blog Stops

      Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 11

      Texas Book-aholic, October 12

      Locks, Hooks and Books, October 13

      Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, October 14 (Author Interview)

      Karen Baney Reviews, October 14

      Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, October 15

      The Book Club Network, October 16

      Artistic Nobody, October 17 (Author Interview)

      Life at Rossmont, October 17

      Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 18

      Guild Master, October 19 (Author Interview)

      For Him and My Family, October 20

      Holly’s Book Corner, October 21

      Back Porch Reads, October 22 (Author Interview)

      Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 23

      Library Lady’s Kid Lit, October 24 (Author Interview)


      To celebrate her tour, Sunshine is giving away the grand prize of a $40 Visa card!!

      Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


      1. Rita Wray

        Sounds like a great read.

      2. Sunshine Rodgers

        Thank you so much for hosting this fun and interesting Interview!

      3. Roxanne C.

        I enjoyed reading about the author’s writing process; it sounds like excellent advice.

      4. bn100

        interesting info

      5. debbiejpruss

        Thank you for sharing. God bless you.

      6. Terri Quick

        Sounds good

      7. Patty

        Sounds like a fun book. Nice to see more of what I would see a realistic occupation for the main character!

      8. sidlaw0425

        This should be a fantastic novel. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.


      1. Rita Wray

        Sounds like a great read.

      2. Sunshine Rodgers

        Thank you so much for hosting this fun and interesting Interview!

      3. Roxanne C.

        I enjoyed reading about the author’s writing process; it sounds like excellent advice.

      4. bn100

        interesting info

      5. debbiejpruss

        Thank you for sharing. God bless you.

      6. Terri Quick

        Sounds good

      7. Patty

        Sounds like a fun book. Nice to see more of what I would see a realistic occupation for the main character!

      8. sidlaw0425

        This should be a fantastic novel. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.