Release week fun!

June 29th – July 5th, 2021 – Links and giveaways do not go live until the author’s designated day. Be sure to come back.

About the book

Click here to get a copy 

A mom ready to do anything for her son. A man determined to win the woman he loves.

Going on Love at First Glance had seemed like such a good idea. She didn’t care about finding Mr. Right. No, Mindy Murray chose the reality TV show for more mercenary reasons.  A mom’s gotta do what a mom’s gotta do when it comes to feeding her son.

When Mindy returns to Elnora, the girl from the “wrong side of the island” just wants a chance to rebuild her reputation. Too bad the folks at church don’t practice what the preacher preaches.

Enter Dermott Reilly. The interim boss at Greener Gardens has always had a soft spot for Mindy and her son, but with his new responsibilities, an important garden competition, and a few other concerns, he finds it difficult to prove himself to her.

A tropical storm and a missing child prove that sometimes grace appears in the most unusual ways.

Regaining Mercy concludes the Elnora Island romances of the Independence Islands Series, featuring five islands, six authors, and a boatload of happily-ever-afters.

The Independence Islands Series: beach reads aren’t just for summer anymore.

Is it really reality?

Oh, television…how I loathe thee!

Yes, I hate television. With great passion actually. There is very little I find entertaining or healthy for me to watch. Reality television or not, I do my best to avoid it. 

I do, however have a couple weaknesses.

HGTV and Discovery Channel —and only on the Discovery+ app.

Now, there are still only one or two shows there that I enjoy. If it deals with home design, fishing (crab fishing to be precise), and history I will watch it. But at that, I can only handle so much of the bleeping out (that is mostly on the fishing shows).

I know this is a downer. I’m sorry I can’t give you more. After days of searching my brain to find one glimmer of hope on the television, I decided honesty was best. When everything on television involves sex, substance abuse, physical or mental abuse, and sketchy news reporting, well it is better for my family if I avoid the television. 

But, hey, this is only an opinion. I am sure there are some good reality shows out there that you all enjoy. (I am posting this on Back Porch Reads as well, so feel free to jump over there and leave a comment)


Carolyn Miller – June 29

Chautona Havig – June 30

Melissa Wardwell – July 1

Kari Trumbo – July 2

Rachel Skatvold – July 3

Tabitha Bouldin – July 4

Sandra Barela – July 5