Returning to Breakers release week

Let’s stay home instead


Ahhh, a vacation. We all like to go on them because we fool ourselves into thinking we will return rested.

We know that isn’t always the case.

Every year, my husband takes the week leading-to or week-after our wedding anniversary off of work. Typically so that we can go do something together. This year, we stayed home. There were no home renovations or trips. We did little things around the house and worked together with the household obligations. Those of our kids that live at home still had work, school, and appointments, so we had to be available to get them to where they needed to go.

It was nice to live the day to day with him–he works out of town every week, so I am alone most of the time. The day before our anniversary, we went to a local tourist spot and walked through the shops and met up with a friend of mine from high school. It was chilly, but it was nice being outdoors, walking hand in hand with him. On the day of our anniversary, our son and his girlfriend came over and the six of us sat at the dinner table and played games.

One would think that being a SAHM/WFHM (Stay at home mom/work from home mom) that I would be tired of being home and would be ready to get out of the house. I’m not though. I enjoy the atmosphere of my home, most of the time, and it is big enough that someone still has to go looking for me  if they need me. A staycation, in my opinion, is a great way to get reaquanted with your family in a familiar setting.

Returning to Breakers by Rachel Skatvold

Get a copy here on Amazon

Sometimes God’s “why” comes too late… and just in time.

Tiffany Hill is a master at concealing her emotions. She can’t admit she has her own questions about God—like why He allowed her Marine husband to die in action. A single mom with three children to care for and the general store on Merriweather to run leaves little time for philosophizing. She has more pressing issues to deal with. Like how her dream of running the family business has become a burden.

Is keeping the business afloat even worth the effort anymore?

After high school and an unfortunate falling out with his father, Liam Hadler left Breakers Head, determined never to look back. He failed on that one, and one of many regrets was leaving his high school sweetheart behind to chase an impossible dream.

When his mother calls after his father suffers a stroke, Liam has a tough decision to make. Will he return to a place he’s avoided for sixteen years, and is making amends with his father even possible?

A chance encounter with Tiffany after so many years never occurred to him, but memories of their time together rekindles something he thought he’d lost. What’ll it take to persuade her to give him a second chance?

This Breakers Head novel is Rachel Skatvold’s final book in the Independence Islands Series featuring five islands, six authors, and a boatload of happily-ever-afters.

The Independence Islands Series: beach reads aren’t just for summer anymore.


NOTE!:  You can preorder/release order the paperback at 30% off with FREE shipping from Celebrate Lit Publishing. Just scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and fill out the form!

Giveaway Stops

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