It’s finally here! Today is the day! Can you believe it? I know I can’t. To celebrate, we have something fun for you.

Welcome to the first day of our week-long “foodie” kick-off for Scrumptious Independence. We want to invite you to visit each author’s blog throughout the week and vote for your favorite “foodie” image. One day, you might like Kari’s idea of take out, but you might adore Carolyn’ apron. Whatever you choose to do, you get to spend part of the next six days with your Independence Islands authors.

Day 1 (today) you will “best meal” plate right here, with Me

Day 2 you will vote for your favorite place to go when we don’t want to cook with Kari Trumbo

Day 3 you will vote for your favorite dessert with Rachel Skatvold

Day 4 you will vote for your favorite kitchen gadget with Tabitha Bouldin

Day 5 you will vote for your “favorite meal” with Carolyn Miller

Day 6 you will vote for your “go to spice” with Chautona Havig

And last but not least, Day 7 you will vote for your favorite aprons with Sandy Barela at CelebrateLit

Today, you will vote for the yummiest looking home made meal. Each of the authors have paid close attention to their meal to present to you the crème de la crème of their recipe books. Review each picture below, then click on the giveaway link to cast your vote.

Before you go…have you seen all the fun in Scrumptious? Be sure to check it out HERE

If you want to read Christmas at Breakers Point and Dual Power of Convenience by Chautona Havig, please be sure to do so.

And do forget to pre-order next months release for the Island Series is Kari Trumbo’s Secret Beach Boyfriend. Check it out HERE

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  1. Sonnetta Jones

    This is so much fun.

    • MelissaWardwell

      Isn’t it? The response has been overwhelming. It’s fun.

  2. margueriteg2016

    I’m so excited for you. Congratulations!

    • MelissaWardwell

      Thank you, dearie! 😘

  3. Arletta Boulton

    I need the recipe for that orange chicken!

    • MelissaWardwell

      Looks fantastic, doesn’t it?

  4. Alicia Haney

    Congratulations! The dishes look good , but I voted for the fish tacos because I love tacos, and about 2 yrs ago I tasted my first fish taco, my daughter had been telling me how good they were and I just never even wanted to try them, so on a Mothers Day they took me out for dinner and I ordered fish tacos and I told myself, Wow, they are delicious and just because of my stubbornness I never even wanted to try them.

    • MelissaWardwell

      The fish taco has become a favorite in our house.

  5. Sue Lambert

    I just downloaded the from Kindle Unlimited. It looks like the first page in each chapter is blank.

  6. Sue Lambert

    Don’t understand. The pages are fine now. I think my fire tablet is having issues.

    • MelissaWardwell

      I’m glad it straightened out. I hope it was only a small glitch.

  7. teddi1961

    Congratulations to all the great writers! I am happy just to see all these great websites and fun activities!

    I could pick them all as they all look so yummy. However, we live in west central Texas so the winner for us is Chautona’s Taco Soup!

  8. Deb Galloway

    This is fun ladies! Both were hard to choose!