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Love finds a way

Even when trekking across war torn France, love finds a way to bloom in this face paced, sometimes heart pounding story. These two didn’t stand a chance once the laws of attraction went to work. And the hand of God. They had to rely on each other to escape the Nazi’s that were hot on their trail, which only seemed to ignite the flame.

It was those little moments in between the running and walking that made Spies & Sweethearts fun. Like little breaths of joy in the middle of turmoil. Gerard would tease Emily, Emily would tease Gerard as they tried to have moments of normal. That is where attraction turned to love.

Now, even when Gerard and Emily were sure the Nazi’s would capture them, God provided ways of escape. Those were nice to read as well. It was those moments that the author used so that one of the characters could see the hand of God move on their behalf. Sometimes it was small things, others is was using the enemy to escape. The take away? God will use what ever He wants to show His children that He is there in the midst of the storm.

I found this story to be simply enjoyable. Not entirely nail blighting like the last WW2 novel I read, but easy paced and tender. The threat was always there for the characters, but what the author showed us was even when the world around us is crazy, God still moves on our behalf.

***I was given a copy of this book by the publisher through CelebrateLit Publicity. Thoughts expressed are entirely my own and a positive review was not required.

About the Book

Book:  Spies & Sweethearts

Author: Linda Shenton Matchett

Genre:  Historical Romance

Release Date: April 15, 2020

SpiesandSweetheart eBook Cover jpg

A secret mission. A fake bride. A run for their lives.

According to the OSS training manual, the life expectancy of a radio operator in Nazi-occupied France is six weeks. Partnered with one of the agency’s top spies, Gerard Lucas, newly-minted agent Emily Strealer plans to beat those odds. Then their cover is blown and all bets are off.

The border to neutral Switzerland is three hundred miles away—a long way to run with SS soldiers on their heels.

Will Emily and Gerard survive the journey?

And what about their hearts? Nothing in the manual prepared them for falling in love.

About the Author

Linda Matchett Head Shot

Linda Shenton Matchett writes about ordinary people who did extraordinary things in days gone by. A volunteer docent and archivist for the Wright Museum of WWII, Linda is also a trustee for her local public library. She is a native of Baltimore, Maryland and was born a stone’s throw from Fort McHenry. Linda has lived in historic places all her life, and is now located in central New Hampshire where her favorite activities include exploring historic sites and immersing herself in the imaginary worlds created by other authors.

Blog Stops

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deb’s Book Review, September 16

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 17

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Betti Mace, September 18

Emily Yager, September 18

Texas Book-aholic, September 19

The Book Chic Blog, September 19

Inklings and notions, September 20

Get Cozy Book Nook, September 20

For Him and My Family, September 21

Where Faith and Books Meet, September 21

She Lives To Read, September 22

As He Leads is Joy, September 22

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 23

CarpeDiem, September 23

Artistic Nobody, September 24 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 24

Ashley’s Bookshelf, September 25

Connect in Fiction, September 25

Connie’s History Classroom, September 26

Mary Hake, September 26

Blossoms and Blessings, September 27

Melissa Wardwell’s Back Porch Reads, September 27

Book Bites, Bee Stings, & Butterfly Kisses, September 28

LIfe, Love, Writing, September 28


  1. Roxanne C.

    Thank you for this review, Melissa. I am happy to know the focus is God’s presence and provision for the characters and not heart-stopping suspense.

  2. carylkane

    Wonderful review, Melissa! Sounds like one not to miss. Thank you for sharing.