Looking for love in the wrong place

Have you ever heard the song “Man Eater” by Hall & Oats? Of course, you have if you’re alive and old enough to know what you were listing to in the ’80s. Well, it is precisely that song that came to mind as I read through The Gold Digger (I know it is talking about a different kind of woman, but some of the lyrics fit all too well.) Every mama that sent her boy off to meet and marry the woman was only kissing her baby goodbye.

The mystery and suspense was definitely present, like it is in all Liz Tolsma’s contributions. I had my suspicions on the “Who-done-it” around the halfway point, but still enjoyed every minute of the build-up. Until the end, that is–it fell flat for me. Oh, and the romance bit–total lack of chemistry. I know the romance bit isn’t part of the genre, but if you have a couple, I want to at least read the blooming romance in the middle of tragedy, at least a little more than what I witnessed. Just make me believe it was possible.

Anyway! I did enjoy this story. The history and the drama left me eager to see what Nils and Ingrid would find, praying the whole time that the inevitable would never come to pass. My own heart paused when I read the end result of at least a dozen people. It is all beautifully translated in the story. If you are looking for something different, this book, like the rest of the series, will be just the right distraction.

(I know some of these books get a little graphic but rest easy, this is not one of them.)

***I was given a copy of this book from the publisher through CelebrateLit Publicities. All views expressed are my own and a favorable review is not required.

About the  Book

Book:  The Gold Digger

Author: Liz Tolsma

Genre:  Christian/Historical/Suspense

Release Date:  December, 2020

The Gold Digger

Men Are Disappearing in LaPorte, Indiana

Book 9 in the True Colors series—Fiction Based on Strange-But True History

Fiction Based on Strange, But True, History

In 1907, shy but loyal Ingrid Storset travels from Norway to support her grieving sister, Belle Gunness, who owns a farm in LaPorte, Indiana. Well-to-do widow Belle, who has lost two husbands and several children, provides Ingrid with enough money to start a small business. But Ingrid is confused by the string of men Belle claims to be interviewing for her next husband. When Nils Lindherud comes to town looking for his missing brother, who said he was going to marry Belle, Ingrid has a sinking feeling her sister is up to no good.

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Liz Tolsma

Liz Tolsma is a popular speaker and an editor and the owner of the Write Direction Editing. An almost-native Wisconsinite, she resides in a quiet corner of the state with her husband and is the mother of three. Her son proudly serves as a U.S. Marine. They adopted all of their children internationally, and one has special needs. When she gets a few spare minutes, she enjoys reading, relaxing on the front porch, walking, working in her large perennial garden, and camping with her family.

More from Liz

This story was so much fun to write, and the research was so interesting. It has to rank up there with one of my favorite books to write. That’s what makes my job the best around.

There are a great number of characters in The Gold Digger who are historical. Many of the places I mention are also historical. I had the pleasure of spending a day in LaPorte, Indiana, to research the book and take some pictures they had in the museum there. Research is one of my favorite aspects to writing. I could have spent much, much longer losing myself in the museum and in the archives. Good thing my cousin, who I was staying with, called me to let me know that it was getting dark and she had dinner ready, otherwise who knows how long I would have been there. Probably until they kicked me out!

One thing that the people of LaPorte would want you to know is that they really are nice people and that their town is a nice town. Lots of good people have been born there or have lived there over the years, including Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, William Mayo, who founded Mayo Clinic, and William Scholl, who found Dr. Scholl’s. They kept emphasizing to me while I was there what a great place LaPorte is. Judging by their friendliness and helpfulness, I would have to agree.

To help you better visualize the characters and setting, here are some photographs of the real people and places that appear in The Gold Digger.

Enjoy the book!


Blog Stops

Connie’s History Classroom, December 17

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, December 17

Genesis 5020, December 17

Pause for Tales, December 17

Artistic Nobody, December 18 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Sodbuster Living, December 18

21st Century Keeper at Home, December 18

Older & Smarter?, December 19

Sara Jane Jacobs, December 19

Blossoms and Blessings, December 19

The Write Escape, December 19

For the Love of Literature, December 20

deb’s Book Review, December 20

Blogging With Carol, December 20

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, December 21

lakesidelivingsite, December 21

Betti Mace, December 21

Inklings and notions, December 21

Ashley’s Bookshelf, December 22

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, December 22

All-of-a-kind Mom, December 22

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 23

Mypreciousbitsandmusings, December 23

CarpeDiem, December 23

Hallie Reads, December 23

Remembrancy, December 24

Christian Bookaholic, December 24

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 24

Writing from the Heart Land, December 25

Splashes of Joy, December 25

Book Bites, Bee Stings, & Butterfly Kisses, December 25

Through the Fire Blogs, December 26

Rebecca Tews, December 26

For Him and My Family, December 26

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, December 27

Bigreadersite, December 27

Southern Gal Loves to Read, December 27

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 27

Tell Tale Book Reviews, December 28

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 28

Mary Hake, December 28

Texas Book-aholic, December 29

Godly Book Reviews, December 29

Daysong Reflections, December 29

Melissa Wardwell’s Back Porch Reads, December 30

Little Homeschool on the Prairie, December 30


To celebrate her tour, Liz is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card and copy of The Gold Digger!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.



  1. carylkane

    Wonderful review, Melissa! I’m enjoying the True Colors series. Liz Tolsma is one of my favorite authors. Thank you for participating in the tour.

    • MelissaWardwell

      Thank you for stopping ❤️ happy new year!

  2. pelicanfreak

    Oooh this review def strengthens my desire to read this! Need to get to it …

  3. Roxanne C.

    I’m glad to know that the crime details are not graphic in The Gold Digger.

  4. Paula Shreckhise

    I am collecting these True Colors books. Liz Tolsma is a great writer.

    • MelissaWardwell

      I am doing the same thing. Yes she is.