“There is no way any woman could ever fulfill all of these requirements. How we should be looking at this passage and seeing her wisdom instead of the checklist of works. She displays wisdom that only comes through her faith in the Most High. She delights in God, which makes her a woman of strength, for HE is her source.” Tara Liegh Coble
Ever have those moments where you know you should be doing certain things because you are behind on so much, but one thing keeps you from doing all of it?
As you know, I was sick over the weekend. Today, I woke up feeling well enough and rested enough to get some long overdue cleaning things done before I start working on my next book. But my time with the Lord this morning has been so fulfilling that I am finding myself preferring to play catch-up on all my Bible studies. I don’t say this to sound like I’m extra holy or anything, but I share in hopes that maybe it would encourage someone to be willing to delay doing the dishes or tossing that load in the dryer for a couple more minutes with the Lord.
The most profound thing I read, and heard, today came out of the dreaded Proverbs 31. We ladies know that one, and we also know the pressure that certain Bible studies about this passage has put on our shoulders. But here’s what I learned today.
I almost wept when I heard the quote above. God does not expect perfection from me, He expects me to trust him. So, even though my floors have not been vacuumed in more than a week, the dishes are piled up in the sink, and I have a pile of laundry that needs to be taken care of— taking the time to spend with God after a week of not being able to mentally grasp anything in the word, is all he really asks of me. He is my source of strength, and he will get me through the laundry list of things I have to do.

I love the quote and I think we all need to remember this.