My Thoughts

What an interesting tale of espionage, care giving, government intrigue, family loyalty, and forbidden romance.

Let me set the stage, so to speak.

Two sisters who long for more than farm life make their way to Washington D. C. and independence. Their determination and grit get them through but it is their love and care for one another that I found touching. Annabelle thinks she is her blind sister’s caregiver of sorts. But the reader will see as the story plays out that Annabelle needs Elaine as much as Elaine needs her. They count on each other and it is beautiful to see them work together.

Enter The Spice King, Gray Delacroix.

Gray has a definite focus on his family and their spice trade. Even if his siblings are not as invested as he is. Gray has a bit of a judgmental streak but it is from years of being a second dad to his younger siblings.

Annabelle sets his world on its ears with her stubborn streak and determination to make him see reason. She tried to be authoritative and he found her irresistible. Their love affair comes to a screeching halt when unavailable decisions are made. But they can’t seem to avoid each other no matter how hard they try. It was entertaining to watch for sure.

The Spice King was a great reprieve from the usual reading I do. It was both educational and entertaining as the author gave readers a glimpse into early food regulations and government workings. As a history nut, I enjoyed that part more so than the romance elements.

***I was given a copy of this book from the publisher. A review, favorable or not, was not required but given because reviews a necessary.

About the book

Click HERE for your copy

Gray Delacroix has dedicated his life to building his very successful global spice empire, but it has come at a cost. Resolved to salvage his family before it spirals out of control, he returns to his ancestral home to save his brother and sister before it’s too late. 

As a junior botanist for the Smithsonian, Annabelle Larkin has been charged with the impossible task of gaining access to the notoriously private Delacroix plant collection. If she fails, she will be out of a job and the family farm in Kansas will go under. She has no idea that in gaining entrance to the Delacroix world, she will unwittingly step into a web of dangerous political intrigue far beyond her experience.  

Unable to deny her attraction to the reclusive business tycoon, Annabelle will be forced to choose between her heart and loyalty to her country. Can Gray and Annabelle find a way through the storm of scandal without destroying the family Gray is fighting to save?

About the Author

Elizabeth Camden is the author of several historical novels and novellas and has been honored with both the RITA Award and the Christy Award. She earned a masters degree in history and a masters in library science. She is a research librarian by day and scribbles away on her next novel by night.